Just about perfect. The place would be at home in the very best sort of English village. Notice the capital on that column. Then the transept window. Wouldn't mind getting a closer look at the glass. It looks excellent.

The pews look a bit simple, but that can be a good thing.

That ceiling is incredible. One of the best I've seen in any parish in the diocese. If you've been reading this blog long, you'll know I'm no fan of banners, but these actually add something to the atmosphere. They don't look like felt, so that helps.

Nice to see lighting fixtures in the aisles. Interesting ones, too. The floor looks like it might be stone.

The architect was William Perry, who designed the cathedral. He was every bit as good on a small scale. That's rare.

Look at the tracery in those windows. Every detail well thought out.

A gem. It's now the church I most want to see. Of course, there are about a dozen close behind in the list.
I'll deal with the exterior tomorrow.
Photos by Jeff and Bridget Bockey
I have attended this church for my entire life and, let me tell you, these pictures dont' do the real thing justice. Mass on Sunday, when the sun is pouring through the windows, is absolutely breathtaking.
We'd love more photos of Edgerton. If you have any, you can get my email address through the profile link on the right. -- Kevin
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