Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
This Blasted Apparatus
Blogger's photo download is acting squirrely again. I'll post in the morning.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Sorry for the Delays
Between the weather and a lack of energy, I've been negligent. There'll be more posts tomorrow.
St. Alphonsus, Peru
My thanks to Alex Fries for the picture. More will follow.
St. Mary, Norwalk
I've been offered the use of a very good collection of photographs of St. Mary's, by Alex Fries, a member of the parish who is helping with their website. Keep up the good work, Alex, and my thanks.
St. Mary, Norwalk
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Beauty, Truth, and Holiness
There's a good post about the importance of atmosphere, at Standing on my Head.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Stay Tuned
I have some good material to post. Not sure if it'll be this evening, or tomorrow morning.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Our Lady of China
They Got the Goods on Me
I want to check later, to be sure it's not just a glitch, but all my blogs seem to be banned in China. Why? In a word, Catholic. I'd been getting a lot of hits from there, in the last couple weeks. An increase like that seems to arouse interest in the slime that runs the place. Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking that way about the leadership of our bosom buddy and partner in trade, should I? I'm not going to tell you my opinion of that, but you should damn well be able to guess.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
St. Martin de Porres
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Sacred Heart, Bethlehem
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sunday, March 18, 2007
This Is Interesting

SS. Peter and Paul, Old South End
A Bit Worn Out
I'm just not up to doing much posting, this morning. I'll try to do a bit more tonight.
A Thought

In the last fifty years, the quality of church design has taken a nose-dive. Praise God, that's changing. I look forward to that change continuing.
The Diocese of Toledo has many beautiful old churches. I want to do everything I can to make sure that fact is recognized. The Diocese also has many beautiful newer churches. That needs to be recognized, as well. Every time I comment on a church, I try to find something good to say. Something to encourage. Only once, have I failed. Considering the horror stories I've heard from elsewhere, we're doing pretty well. Just remember this. When I criticize, I do it with a recognition that we need to strive, within the norms, ( It's the departures from those norms that I criticize. ) to make every parish church a place of beauty and a worthy House of God.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Why Am I A Catholic?
These days, you often hear that line in the press and in the title of a book by a rather pompous two-bit academic, who WILLS remain nameless. In those cases, it's usually a preface for a rant on why the Church needs to stop being stubborn and bow down to the superior wisdom of whoever is doing the ranting. Praise God, there's a new trend. Every day, I find more people who use that line as a preface to a serious discussion of what's good about the Church.
As for me? Well, I can be a bit of a pompous windbag at times, but, on this subject, I'm completely in earnest. Why am I a Catholic? Well, I could give you a thousand reasons and keep us both up all night, but they would all be incidental. They'd all be secondary. They'd all pale in comparison to the one most important reason why I'm Catholic.
I am a Catholic because I'm absolutely convinced it's true. That's it.
As for me? Well, I can be a bit of a pompous windbag at times, but, on this subject, I'm completely in earnest. Why am I a Catholic? Well, I could give you a thousand reasons and keep us both up all night, but they would all be incidental. They'd all be secondary. They'd all pale in comparison to the one most important reason why I'm Catholic.
I am a Catholic because I'm absolutely convinced it's true. That's it.
Sacred Heart, Bethlehem
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
How About Linguistic Globalism?
There's a good post on the universality of Latin at Just Doing My Best .
St. Augustine, Napoleon
Good Shepherd, East Toledo

Another Quote From Sacramentum Caritatis

"This relationship between creed and worship is evidenced in a particular way by the rich theological and liturgical category of beauty. Like the rest of Christian Revelation, the liturgy is inherently linked to beauty: it is veritatis splendor. The liturgy is a radiant expression of the paschal mystery, in which Christ draws us to himself and calls us to communion…"
FYI: There's a permanent link in the Vatican section of the sidebar. Have a look. There are a lot of new links in the Resources section, too.
UPDATE: Fr. Martin Fox, of Piqua, has some good remarks at Bonfire of the Vanities. Here's a quote, but follow the link and read the whole post.
"Some wonder why I asked you to learn some prayers in Latin. I reiterate: Vatican II said to do it; so did Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, and now Pope Benedict XVI. This is not “going back,” it’s continuing to embrace our tradition, rather than leaving it behind."
What worries me is the potential use of scare tactics by the people who want to force a 60's/70's form of freeform liturgy on a Church that, by and large, doesn't want it. No one is talking about returning everything to Latin Tridentine. What's being discussed is the use of the great heritage of the Church to enrich an evolving liturgy.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
A Couple More Items From Sacramentum Caritatis
As far as I'm concerned, one of the best suggestions is the one about moving the sign of peace. It's a frequent distraction, when people insist on keeping it up even after the Agnus Dei starts. Where it's done now, it seems like an intrusion. Much better elsewhere.
"Nuclear fission"? Very good way of putting it:
"The substantial conversion of bread and wine into his body and blood introduces within creation the principle of a radical change, a sort of "nuclear fission," to use an image familiar to us today, which penetrates to the heart of all being, a change meant to set off a process which transforms reality, a process leading ultimately to the transfiguration of the entire world, to the point where God will be all in all."
"Nuclear fission"? Very good way of putting it:
"The substantial conversion of bread and wine into his body and blood introduces within creation the principle of a radical change, a sort of "nuclear fission," to use an image familiar to us today, which penetrates to the heart of all being, a change meant to set off a process which transforms reality, a process leading ultimately to the transfiguration of the entire world, to the point where God will be all in all."
An Important Day

By the way, the picture is from St. Mary's Church, in Greenville, S.C. In the sidebar, you'll find a new section called "Blogs". There, you'll find Random Thoughts , by Fr. Jay Scott Newman, and Standing on my Head , by my friend Fr. Dwight Longenecker, both priests at St. Mary's.
St. Michael's, Kelley's Island

Now, my opinion of the building? I love it. Simple but beautiful. That tower is very well done. Look at the top section and the corner buttresses at the base. I have to see this one someday.

Most Pure Heart of Mary, Shelby
Please Bear With Me
I'm having some AOL problems and everything is slow as molasses in January. I haven't been able to get this blog to load completely since yesterday morning. I'm going to do a couple posts, in addition to the one below, and hope for the best. More will follow tomorrow. Hopefully, the problem will be over by then.
Sacramentum Caritatis
I just did a quick preliminary reading of Sacramentum Caritatis, at ZENIT. Everyone but the "spirit of Vatican II" crowd and the most intransigent "preserved in amber" sorts should be very pleased. The Holy Father knows what he's doing. Just the thought of making sure seminarians learn Latin, chant, and art history makes me feel a lot better. Among many good points, the following quote is particularly appropriate.
"A solid knowledge of the history of sacred art can be advantageous for those responsible for commissioning artists and architects to create works of art for the liturgy. Consequently it is essential that the education of seminarians and priests include the study of art history, with special reference to sacred buildings and the corresponding liturgical norms. Everything related to the Eucharist should be marked by beauty. Special respect and care must also be given to the vestments, the furnishings and the sacred vessels, so that by their harmonious and orderly arrangement they will foster awe for the mystery of God, manifest the unity of the faith and strengthen devotion"
"A solid knowledge of the history of sacred art can be advantageous for those responsible for commissioning artists and architects to create works of art for the liturgy. Consequently it is essential that the education of seminarians and priests include the study of art history, with special reference to sacred buildings and the corresponding liturgical norms. Everything related to the Eucharist should be marked by beauty. Special respect and care must also be given to the vestments, the furnishings and the sacred vessels, so that by their harmonious and orderly arrangement they will foster awe for the mystery of God, manifest the unity of the faith and strengthen devotion"
Monday, March 12, 2007
I'm Annoyed
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Francisca Bauer, Sister of the Woods
Our avid researcher Kevin Hammer has found a real gem. It's an article in Ohio History, about Francisca Bauer, a remarkable nun who settled in the Norwalk area after fleeing the persecutions in her native France. HERE it is. It's well worth reading.
Liturgical Bloopers
Abuses aren't funny. Accidents, however, can be hilarious. Have a look at THIS. Hat tip to Angela Messenger.
St. Gerard, Lima

The Difficulties of Toledo Architectural History

Saturday, March 10, 2007
More From Roamin' Catholics
Today, I'll link to the page for DECEMBER. This one has a full slate of seven churches and only one fails to score a high mark.
1. Christ the King: This is a good design. The undulating line of the ceiling is very interesting. Never seen that done before. Beautiful work. The crucifix is magnificent, one of the best in town. I'd like to get a better look at those windows. They look like they add a lot to the design. Overall, not bad at all.
2. St. John the Baptist: Again, good. Nice altar. Looks like it's stone. Another very good crucifix. The glass looks interesting and I love that statue of the Holy Family. Once again, not bad at all.
3. St. Michael: Another winner. This seems to have been the month for particularly fine crucifixes. The whole reredos works well, with that grape pattern down the sides. There seem to be small murals on the side walls. I'll have to get a better look at that. Finally, those are seriously impressive candlesticks. Three for three.
4. Regina Coeli: There's one in every crowd. The building isn't bad. Rather nice, in fact. That's the only good thing I can say. Looks like they furnished it from Ikea. The building's a winner. The rest is a miserable failure.
5. Gesu: Another winner! This is wonderful work. That semicircular apse is in the finest tradition of ecclesiastical design. Everything about it is superb. The murals, the stone facing on the lower level. Background color might be a bit off, but that's nitpicking. Good altar, too. I have to get out there for a closer look.
6. Saints Peter and Paul: One of my favorites. Almost perfectly preserved. Just look at it! That altar. Notice the angel torcheres at the sides. One of the best notes is the gold glass mosaic insets in the altar, pulpit, and communion railing. Nice to see the rail hasn't been vandalized for the usual dimwitted idealogical reasons. It's a beauty and, let's face it, it's not in the way. Guess what. The rest of the building is just as good as the part in the picture. Due to its age and condition, it's one of Catholic Toledo's greatest landmarks.
7. Blessed Sacrament: This may be the best modern interior in the diocese. Magnificent! Good basic design. Excellent details. That Last Supper altarpiece is a gem. Didn't forget the crucifix, either. Good for them. The whole thing's beautiful. Good job!
Update: After writing this post, I looked at the website for Regina Coeli parish, hoping to find some further good point. I found two. The exterior design is very good. There are also two very good statues of Our Lady. It's a too bad the pitiful way the sanctuary is handled ruins a potentially good design.
1. Christ the King: This is a good design. The undulating line of the ceiling is very interesting. Never seen that done before. Beautiful work. The crucifix is magnificent, one of the best in town. I'd like to get a better look at those windows. They look like they add a lot to the design. Overall, not bad at all.
2. St. John the Baptist: Again, good. Nice altar. Looks like it's stone. Another very good crucifix. The glass looks interesting and I love that statue of the Holy Family. Once again, not bad at all.
3. St. Michael: Another winner. This seems to have been the month for particularly fine crucifixes. The whole reredos works well, with that grape pattern down the sides. There seem to be small murals on the side walls. I'll have to get a better look at that. Finally, those are seriously impressive candlesticks. Three for three.
4. Regina Coeli: There's one in every crowd. The building isn't bad. Rather nice, in fact. That's the only good thing I can say. Looks like they furnished it from Ikea. The building's a winner. The rest is a miserable failure.
5. Gesu: Another winner! This is wonderful work. That semicircular apse is in the finest tradition of ecclesiastical design. Everything about it is superb. The murals, the stone facing on the lower level. Background color might be a bit off, but that's nitpicking. Good altar, too. I have to get out there for a closer look.
6. Saints Peter and Paul: One of my favorites. Almost perfectly preserved. Just look at it! That altar. Notice the angel torcheres at the sides. One of the best notes is the gold glass mosaic insets in the altar, pulpit, and communion railing. Nice to see the rail hasn't been vandalized for the usual dimwitted idealogical reasons. It's a beauty and, let's face it, it's not in the way. Guess what. The rest of the building is just as good as the part in the picture. Due to its age and condition, it's one of Catholic Toledo's greatest landmarks.
7. Blessed Sacrament: This may be the best modern interior in the diocese. Magnificent! Good basic design. Excellent details. That Last Supper altarpiece is a gem. Didn't forget the crucifix, either. Good for them. The whole thing's beautiful. Good job!
Update: After writing this post, I looked at the website for Regina Coeli parish, hoping to find some further good point. I found two. The exterior design is very good. There are also two very good statues of Our Lady. It's a too bad the pitiful way the sanctuary is handled ruins a potentially good design.
Sacred Heart, East Toledo

Here's a case in point. It's completely out of the ordinary. Look at the upper parts of those towers. That arrangement of a semi-circular gable with subsidiary turrets at the corners is something I've never seen before. And those pointy domes! It's all downright weird, but it works. The whole thing is like something out of the best sort of fantasy novel. Then, he went on to throw in that central spire. Breaks every rule in the book but it looks wonderful. I have to go have a better look, when the weather improves. The arch over the main door looks very well done. The interior suffered after a fire, but there's a lot of good left in it. Remarkable building!
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