Here are a few pictures of
Antonio, Cardinal Canizares Llovera, Archbishop of Toledo, for the benefit of those young priests, seminarians, and future priests who, like me, don't see why a prince of the Church shouldn't look the part. Now, in general, I don't think clergy should dress ostentatiously, except at Mass. However, there are certain occasions when a priest should look impressive, for the honor of the One he serves. On looking at the following pictures, all I can say is.............................

Well done, Toledo. Now if only those Ohioans would get on board... I'm also big on the look of the priesthood, priests shouldn't be afraid to show forth who they are. If they're worried about clericalism in today's world, they should take a look around, not very many people are kissing the feet of priests anymore.
Have no fear, I know that the next generation of priests is certainly into a priestly look (cassock and all!).
Priestly look? Fine. But ostentacious expense? What about the preferential option for the poor? I find Sean O'Malley's garb a lot more comfortably priestly.
But Cardinal Canizares isn't a Capuchin.
I know. I don't have a particular thing for the Capuchins, but for the poor.
So do I, but I see the obligations to help the poor and to honor in ways like this as a both/and situation, rather than either/or.
I've joined the said institute in these pictures! I attended St. Joseph's after my conversion from the Russian Orthodox Church. I miss that liturgical life there. I hope to enrich the church again with liturgy and spirituality if God wills, so that people realize..."the poor you always have with you..." and that doesn't include just the monetarily poor...and it's cheaper in the long run to put on the same cassock every day for a year than to buy 500 different sets of clothes! as well as distinguishing!
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