We'll start with some random views. The altar, at the left, is the Child Jesus Shrine.

Across the sanctuary. The font is at the right, and one of the few surviving fan pulpit, in the middle.

Toward the sanctuary, with the high altar.

Vaulting in the nave. The pointed, gilt object is the casing for the organ pipes. If Fr. Hannin told the organ maker how to do it, and I wouldn't be surprised if he did, his powers of imagination are mind-boggling. Never saw anything like it.

The clerestory windows are easily overlooked, which is a shame because they're fantastic. Notice the painted roundels. They're scattered about all over the building.

A transept, with the Nativity window and a mural of the Presentation at the Temple.
1 comment:
From a design standpoint, I'd have to place the three great Irish parishes of St. Patrick's, Immaculate Conception, and Good Shepherd at dead even, for a variety of reasons. Primarily because they're each first rate examples of their styles.
The Cathedral's in a separate category, since, to the best of my knowledge, it's the only example of its kind in the country.
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