One might expect that a retired priest would take life easy, when called upon to be part-time pastor of a parish. Then again, Fr. Paul Kwiatkowski is no ordinary priest, retired or otherwise. He managed to start a restoration project that has the place looking ship-shape and Bristol fashion. I understand he did the same at St. Hedwig's. Not only that, he finds time to teach Latin at Central Catholic and play the violin for the Perrysburg Symphony. Not exactly anyone's idea of taking it easy. Comes by it naturally. His mother's still going strong and bakes some of the best cupcakes I've ever tasted.
Fr. Paul always has a surprise in store, like the time a Mass included his Mass in Honor of the Holy Spirit, which he composed back in the 70's. ( Doesn't sound like the 70's, though. Even I was impressed. )

One other item. Here's where he was ordained, the Altar of St. Peter's Chair, at the Vatican.
Jeffrey, by any chance, were you at St. John's yesterday evening for the Thanksgiving Eve service? Fr. Kwiatkowski has quite a presence that is as warm as it is commanding. My mother and I are planning to pay a visit to Immaculate Conception some Sunday morning. Your photo of the front of the church is stunning! And the next time I visit St. John's, it will be with camera in hand. There are alot of curiosities about this, Toledo's 2nd oldest Lutheran church building. And those windows - they're splendid!
"Presence" is just the right word.
I'm afraid I'm not up to getting out and about, this week.
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