The interior, shown at the top right, was supposedly Toledo's biggest room. It may have been too big, since structural problems resulted in the church's demolition in the 1930's. Some of the bricks were used in construction at the Toledo Zoo.
The parish house lasted until 2001, when it was torn down for no blasted sensible reason at all.
The complex stood on Cherry Street, at Michigan.
(gasp!) Wayyyyy before my time -- but how I would have liked to see that!
Then I started thinking about an item hanging in my living room - I have a collection of largely antique religious art that I've gleaned from various flea markets, some of it is personal family heirloom - but this item is a marriage certificate for a wedding that took place in 1881 at St. Mary's ... so it would have taken place in this magnificent church. I realize that there are sometimes financial issues, and also that sometimes people just don't care ... but it nonetheless just blows my mind that someone, somewhere, let this item go out of their family at some point.
The church bell from old St. Mary's is at Gesu.
Many of the bricks were also used for the state hospital on Arlington (now an apartment complex).
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