The lighting fixtures date to from the 1920's.
It's interesting how what I call Toledo's Great Triumvirate, the three Irish parishes, each have a very special quality in the lighting. St. Patrick's has a silvery glow, probably due to the color of the walls and the light from so many big windows. Good Shepherd has an atmosphere of absolute clarity, which accentuates every detail. Immaculate Conception has a golden glow, from the warm, buff brick and the yellow windows. Take a good look at all three ( They're well worth visiting ) and see if you don't agree.
I'll accept St. Patrick's and Good Shepherd as Irish -- but unless I'm getting senile, Immaculate Conception originally was a German parish, at a time when the South end was almost solidly German, and the Irish lived up the hill on the north side of Swan Creek (towards St. Patrick's, of course). And the two did not get along at all well.
Also, (this is about a year late) "Old Darby" and his wife Joan were characters who appeared in many eighteenth and nineteenth English literary works. They represented the stolid, down-to-earth element in society. But I can't see the connection with Immaculate Conception -- maybe a blind lead.
I'm a member there, and the pastor, all the members I've talked to, and every written history ( three of them ) of the parish say it was Irish.
SS Peter and Paul was the German parish.
Old Father O'Brien,the first pastor of Good Shepherd would have had words with you about that. It gets a good bit of coverage in the book The Irish in Toledo.
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