Friday, September 13, 2024

St. Adalbert's Bells

One of the parishioners at St. Adalbert & Hedwig sent me various images of their bells. 

Both bells were casted by the E.W. Vanduzen Co. in Cincinnati. The high bell ring an A tone and the bourdon bell rings an F# tone. 

These 2 images are of the high bell. The motor seems to be new, but the frame, wheel and chain are all rusted. Both of the bell's frames are mounted to a wooden frame you can see in the 1st picture. 

These next 2 images are of the bourdon bell. Just like the other bell, this one has a rusty chain, wheel and frame, however this bell has a noticeable tilt to it. According to the parishioner, they are still working on tolling the bell. There is a hammer to toll the bell, but its not in operation right now. 

There are no stairs leading to the bells. It's just one long ladder. 

Another view of the ladder. 

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