St. Mary's in Norwalk will be presenting a dinner theater on November 15 @ 6:00pm and November 16 @ 3:00pm. This dinner theater is in replacement of our yearly festival. Tickets are available after the weekend masses or at the Rectory during rectory hours. Call Lynn at the rectory for tickets. 419-668-7925
Tickets are $20 a person and that includes dinner.
For more info, contact me ((Alex) afries52@neo.rr.com ) or go to the website. www.stmarynorwalk.org . I'm in it, so doesn't that just make you want to come? ;-)
Tickets are $20 a person and that includes dinner.
For more info, contact me ((Alex) afries52@neo.rr.com ) or go to the website. www.stmarynorwalk.org . I'm in it, so doesn't that just make you want to come? ;-)
I'll be visiting the area in April. Anything in the schedule for then?
Yeah, there will probably be a lenten concert around that time.
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