Monday, March 3, 2025

Unique Areas in Churches

 I made a trip to 4 churches: St. Augustine, Napoleon, Sacred Heart, New Bavaria, St. Nicholas, Miller City and Holy Family, New Cleveland. I found interesting areas inside each church and took photos of the views. 

This view is right behind the organ in the bell tower. At the top of the stairs to the balcony, there is a door which leads behind the organ and 2 ladders which then lead higher into the tower. 

Next is Sacred Heart in New Bavaria. To the left of the organ is a door which leads to 2 staircases up the tower. Unfortunately, the ladder to the top was not set up and I didn't see a hatch to go further up. 

Next is St. Nicholas in Miller City. A door in the balcony directly leads to the tower. One large and small ladder climb leads to the bells. The bell on the right tolls every hour and half hour. 

The last church I went to was Holy Family in New Cleveland. This first image was taken above the organ.

This one was in the bell tower. Once you  enter the church there is a staircase to the left. Up that staircase is a vertical ladder which then leads to a very tall ladder to the 2 bells. It was too dark, so I couldn't get pictures of the bells.