Tuesday, October 1, 2024

St. Joseph, Maumee After Mass

 One day after Mass, I took photos of the areas behind the altar at St. Joseph, Maumee.

The server sacristy. You can see 1 of 3 thuribles that the Church uses hanging next to the door frame. That is not the one they use for this mass, however. On the left, you can see all 4 candles that the acolytes would process with. The cabinet on the right holds all of the server albs as well as the Master of Ceremonies' vestments. The left cabinet has vestments for the priests, but they do have another closet which stores the outer vestments. 

This is where the thurible is placed after mass so the smoke can ventilate outside (you can still see the smoke from Mass). It's a basic countertop with the usual necessities for incense, such as charcoal, lighters, etc. 

A view of the High altar from the server sacristy. 

This is what the lector would see when reading the readings.

And this is what the priest would see during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 

The Credence table. I was too late and couldn't photograph everything. All there is is the Lavabo bowl and pitcher, the Roman Missal, the gluten free container (that barely get used) and a bottle of hand sanitizer. However, you will notice some shapes on the tables with labels. This is how the Church organizes the table.

The Church has recently bough a new Roman Missal. As for the old one, many pages were ripped. 

The sanctus bells. 

It mas seen weird that I would take a photo of the stairs to the sacristy, but there is a reason. Those stairs weren't there when the church was first built. Instead, the main altar was the same level as the sacristies and the high altar had steps leading up to it. I'm pretty sure that during a remodel, they raised up the main apse floor and installed these steps to get into the sacristy. 

Lastly are two images outside of the Church. The top image is a statue of Mary dedicated to the Rosary Altar Society and the bottom image is the new alleyway behind the church. The flower pots and mulch on the right are a nice touch. 


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