As it used to be. I'd give anything to find out what happened to the painting over the door at the right. The side altars are very good, as is the lower portion of the high altar. The upper portion just doesn't seem to belong there.
Photo sent by Chip Valeriano.
I too generally prefer the pre-WWII styles. And I agree that the picture over the door is intriguing. But high Victorian clutter was in bad taste then and still is -- not high art.
... granted it wasn't high art ... but it a true reflection of the heart and soul of what the congregation could afford --- a real reflection of the times. For some reason, to me, when they strip the low-brow images, along w. the pre-Vatican II materials -- they strip out the historic connections to our ancestors.
Would have loved to seen this one in color; so many details get overlooked in B&W...
i may be able to come across something. I know where to look.
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