Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Complaints Work...Sometimes

I made a remark about how hard it is to track down pictures of Toledo's bishops and, almost immediately, got an e-mail from Kevin Hammer with two of them. The one above is Bishop Rehring with Bl. John XXIII. It was taken at Castel Gandolfo during an ad limina visit on September 9, 1959. The young man at the left is Kevin Ricker, a seminarian from Delphos. He was studying at the North American College in Rome. Anyone know what became of him? Considering the disastrous results of the "spirit of Vatican II", though not of the Council itself, it's anybody's guess.
This is the first picture of Bishop John A. Donovan I've posted. He was bishop from 1967 to 1980. His predecessor Bishop Rehring is at the left and Archbishop Karl Alter of Cincinnati, Bishop of Toledo from 1931 to 1950, is at the right.


Anonymous said...

Kevin Ricker was ordained, but left the priesthood (was laicized)and got married. His brother, Michael, is a retired priest of the Diocese.

Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Amazing how sometimes griping bears fruit ;-)