Saturday, July 28, 2007

St. Adalbert, North Toledo


Sean Lyons said...

This is from 1928 - when Saint Adalbert's new church was dedicated!

From Saint Adalbert's 75th Anniversary booklet..."Dedication of the new church on April 22, 1928. The occasion coincided with Father Wachowski's [25th] jubilee as a priest. The banner across the aisle reads 'Tys Kaplanem Na Wieki' - You Are A Priest Forever."

Father Wachowski, if you zoom in close enough is standing on the left in the sanctuary, having come out of the Priest's sacristy. Directly across the sanctuary from him was the altar boy's sacristy, with a hallway running behind the altar.

The sanctuary looks pretty much similar to the photo - except the communion rail was removed after Vatican II and the light fixtures were "modernized" in style. Only other difference is the pattern in the floor - this pattern in the picture actually looks better than what we have now!

Jeffrey Smith said...

Thank you. By the way, I owe you an e-mail. Life's been too eventful lately and things get forgotten.