Showing posts with label St. Aloysius. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St. Aloysius. Show all posts

Monday, June 16, 2008

St. Aloysius, Bowling Green

The recent posts on St. Aloysius prompted another regular source to e-mail these old postcards.
The roofline of the old church, in the one above, seems remarkably low.

St. Aloysius, Bowling Green

Photo by Allan Dieball

Thursday, June 12, 2008

St. Aloysius, Bowling Green

I'm very close to concluding that the three altarpieces at St. Aloysius are the best examples of 20th century woodcarving in any parish church in the diocese. They're exceptional work, and were, apparently, carved at Oberammergau.

Photos of the St. Joseph altar, by Allan Dieball

St. Aloysius, Bowling Green

Photo by Allan Dieball

Sunday, June 8, 2008

St. Aloysius, Bowling Green

Photo by Allan Dieball

St. Aloysius, Bowling Green

Sometimes I see something that really makes my blood boil. This is the sanctuary floor at St. Aloysius. That's some of the best tile work in the diocese.
Unfortunately, that's not just carpet. When, in the 70's, the sanctuary was changed, doubtless by people who blamed Vatican II for their own destructiveness, a concrete platform was poured directly over the tile. Vatican II never suggested anything quite like that.
In the 80's common sense returned, along with the crucifix, which was brought back from exile in the choir loft. At that time, an attempt was made to uncover the tile. They found out that removing a concrete platform stuck like glue to a work of art is close to impossible.
By the way, the same morons hacked out the tile from the aisles to install carpet.
I remember the 70's well. That's a lot easier than understanding the 70's, much less condoning the atrocities committed back then.

Friday, June 6, 2008

St. Aloysius, Bowling Green

Photos by Allan Dieball

St. Aloysius, Bowling Green

I was going to give my opinion of the interior, but I've been given some details of what was done to the place back in the 70's, when there was a concerted effort, all over the country, to destroy every vestige of Catholic identity. I want to mull it over, along with the good repair jobs that have been done since, before commenting. That, and I have to get my blood pressure under control after learning what the numbskulls of the 70's did to a beautiful tile floor.
Photos by Allan Dieball

St. Aloysius, Bowling Green

The Letourneau organ. You'll find all the details HERE.
Photo by Allan Dieball, who has the fun of being the organist.

St. Aloysius, Bowling Green

I posted these several months ago, but didn't label them. In case you haven't noticed, there are labels at the bottom of each post, which, when clicked, will bring up almost everything posted on a particular topic, except what was posted before the young'uns got me to start using them.