Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Christ Renews His Parish

I've forgotten to mention my opinion of the Christ Renews His Parish retreats, which originated in Ohio. I wholeheartedly endorse them and would recommend them to any individual, and to any parish. In Toledo, St. Pius X and Blessed Sacrament have them. Anyone else?


  1. AMEN to that!!

    I attended my first CRHP weekend last year and presented the weekend just this last February. What an awesome experience to see the power of the Holy Spirit working in the those who were there. I would encourage anyone, no matter where you are in your faith journey to attend one of these weekends. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!!

  2. I attended and presented my CRHP weekends at Hope Lutheran Church(Secor/Bancroft). Gesu Catholic Church assisted us in getting the program going and have been a HUGE help in the process.

  3. I attended the men's CRHP retreat in October 2007 at St. Adalbert/St. Hedwig. It is truly a great experience.
